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Cultural Perception of Shakespeare: New Wave Shakespeare on Screen (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Cultural Perception of Shakespeare: New Wave Shakespeare on Screen (Hardcover)
Product Description

The past fifteen years have witnessed a diverse group of experiments in staging Shakespeare on film. New Wave Shakespeare on Screen introduces and applies the new analytic techniques and language that are required to make sense of this new wave. Drawing on developments in Shakespeare studies performance studies and media studies the book integrates text-based and screen-based approaches in ways that will be accessible to teachers and students as well as scholars. The study maps a critical vocabulary for interpreting Shakespeare film; addresses script-to-screen questions about authority and performativity; outlines varied approaches to adaptation such as revival recycling allusion and sampling; parses sound as well as visual effects; and explores the cross-pollination between film and other media from ancient to cutting-edge. New Wave Shakespeare on Screen emphasizes how rich the payoffs can be when Shakespeareans turn their attention to film adaptations as texts: aesthetically complex historically situated and as demanding in their own right as the playtexts they renovate. Works discussed include pop culture films like Billy Morrisette s Scotland PA; televised updatings like the ITV Othello; and art-house films such as Julie Taymor s Titus Al Pacino s Looking for Richard Michael Almereyda s Hamlet and Kristian Levering s The King is Alive. These films reframe the playtexts according to a variety of extra-Shakespearean interests inviting viewers back to them in fresh ways.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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