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Vitamin B Complex Liquid 16oz

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Product Name
Vitamin B Complex Liquid 16oz
Product Description

Vitamin B Complex Liquid 16oz Nature’s Answer Liquid Vitamin B-Complex gives you the optimal combination of important B vitamins you need without having to take hard to swallow pills or capsules. Formulated with Quik-Sorb® Nature’s Answer Vitamin B Complex is easier to absorb in your body so it begins working in your system faster. It promotes healthy nerve function helping to keep your nervous system working at its peak performance.*  Nature’s Answer Liquid Vitamin B-Complex a natural botanical energizer and promotes overall good health and well-being.* Unique Bio-Chelation process. Only Nature’s Answer uses a unique Bio-Chelation process developed by the company’s founder and owner. It includes “cold extraction.” Cold extraction allows the raw plant materials to be extracted without being exposed to heat capturing and preserving the holistic balance. The Added Assurance of Nature’s Answer “Advanced Botanical Fingerprint” Technology™ Nature’s Answer Advanced Botanical Fingerprint Technology ™ assures you of the quality of the botanical ingredients in every Nature’s Answer product. By creating one of the most comprehensive collections of plant specimens in the world and identifying each plants distinctive botanical fingerprint Nature’s Answer can compare and analyze the quality and purity of every incoming botanical used to formulate their products assuring you of products that contain only the purest highest-quality botanical ingredients.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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