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Futurebiotics Vitamin K Triple Play (Vitamin K2 MK7 / Vitamin K2 MK4 / Vitamin K1) Full Spectrum Complex 60 Capsules

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Product Name
Futurebiotics Vitamin K Triple Play (Vitamin K2 MK7 / Vitamin K2 MK4 / Vitamin K1) Full Spectrum Complex 60 Capsules
Product Description

Vitamin K is an essential vitamin and a critical part of optimal bone health and wound healing. It is fat-soluble and responsible for making proteins for healthy bones as well as supporting blood clotting in the body. Deficiencies in Vitamin K can cause bruising excessive bleeding and problems clotting after injury. Vitamin K1 is found in green leafy vegetables like spinach kale and broccoli and Vitamin K2 is produced by bacteria in both animal and human intestines. It can be challenging to get enough of these vitamins through our regular diet making our Vitamin K Triple Play an ideal supplement to support proper blood clotting and bone health. Futurebiotics Vitamin K supplement is a full-spectrum complex providing both Vitamin K1 and two forms of Vitamin K2 (MK-4 and MK-7). One capsule a day provides 550mcg of total Vitamin K between these three complex sources.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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