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Seduced by: Seduced By A River: Adventures In Love Sex & Whitewater (Paperback)

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Seduced by: Seduced By A River: Adventures In Love Sex & Whitewater (Paperback)
Product Description

C.C. Havens prince didn t ride in on a white horse. He pulled up to her yoga studio in a red Nissan truck packed with two kayaks a raft a mountain bike and a pair of skis. Before she could say Om Shanti she was snowmobiling in to his remote cabin in the Colorado Rockies; backcountry skiing the Tetons; paddling Class IV + rivers and backpacking through the bush of New Zealand where he proposed. But eight months into her marriage she realized she wasn t the only object of her passionate man s passion. How she contends with her husband s obsession for whitewater and the outdoor adventures (and misadventures) that ensue are the heart and soul of this memoir of one woman s journey of sexual and spiritual self-discovery. From the summit of snowy 12 000-foot peaks to the depths of the Grand Canyon Havens clever use of outdoor adventure as a metaphor for the peaks and valleys of marriage puts Seduced By A River in a genre of its own: nature inspired erotica.

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Last updated
February 9, 2025

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