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USPS Cartoonist Schulz Forever Postage 20 Stamps

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Product Name
USPS Cartoonist Schulz Forever Postage 20 Stamps
Product Description

New USPS stamps salute the centennial of cartoonist Charles M. Schulz (1922?2000) whose ?Peanuts? characters are some of the best known and most beloved in all of American culture. For five decades Schulz alone wrote and drew nearly 18 000 strips the last one published the day after he died. Each character reflects Schulz?s rich imagination and great humanity. His resonant stories found humor in life?s painful realities including rejection insecurity and unrequited love. In a celebratory mode characters from ?Peanuts? adorn 10 designs on this pane of 20 stamps and form a frame around a 1987 photograph of Schulz. Art director Greg Breeding designed the stamps from Schulz?s artwork and an existing photograph by Douglas Kirkland.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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