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The Asthma and Allergy Action Plan for Kids : A Complete Program to Help Your Child Live a Full and Active Life (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Asthma and Allergy Action Plan for Kids : A Complete Program to Help Your Child Live a Full and Active Life (Paperback)
Product Description

Statistics show that up to 40 percent of children in the United States suffer from allergies and at least 10 percent suffer from asthma. That translates into almost five million American children affected by both allergies and asthma. And as Dr. Allen J. Dozor head of one of the largest pediatric pulmonary practices in the United States has seen among his patients some of the most upsetting effects of allergies and asthma are the psychological wounds inflicted on a child s self-image. There is the constant protectiveness from caregivers confusing limits and rules headaches obesity shortness of breath and sleep deprivation. In some cases these side effects such as stress and obesity cycle back to make the original condition worse. Dr. Dozor s plan developed over the last twenty years is designed to empower both parents and children. His warmhearted but reality-based approach includes How to give the right amount of medication for best effects and no side effects Empowering your children to manage their own condition so that they can feel safe and secure Prevention and management in school Handling emergencies And much more!

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March 4, 2025

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