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Marked for Life: A Gallery of Tattoo Art (Paperback)

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Product Name
Marked for Life: A Gallery of Tattoo Art (Paperback)
Product Description

Take a look through the lens of acclaimed photographer Steve Bonge who has traveled worldwide for years to capture the best of modern tattoo art. On the other side you ll meet an incredible assembly of personalities--men and women young and old who have adorned their bodies in spectacular ways. Hundreds of gorgeous color photos both hone in on intricate details and pull back to encompass a culture of people who are unafraid to show their true colors. Enhanced with comments from prominent tattoo artists of the past and present this book is an eye-popping saturnalia of freedom and counter-culture. It will taunt and bewitch amaze and inspire and expose you to images you ll never forget.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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