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Berg Larsen Metal Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece 80/0

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Product Name
Berg Larsen Metal Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece 80/0
Product Description

Berg Larsen Metal Alto Sax Mouthpiece Tip Opening The tip opening is the distance between the tip of the reed and the tip of the mouthpiece measured in thousands of an inch. Generally speaking the wider the tip opening the softer the reed that may be used. For most beginners a narrower tip opening will result in a clearer tone and more consistent intonation. 90: Close / 95-100: Medium Close / 100-105: Medium / 110-115: Medium Open / 120-130: OpenThe Chamber The degree of edge or brightness the player obtains is dictated by the size of the tone chamber. The more baffle that is built into the tone chamber the more edge the tone will have. A 0 tone chamber will have the most edge and a 3 will have a more mellow tone.Facing Length The term SMS or M indicates the choice of facing. The SMS or French facing is usually shorter with a steeper curve. The M or American facing is slightly longer with a flatter type curve. Berg Larsen stainless steel mouthpieces are known for increased life and their diverse tonal quality. Due to the hardness of the metal and the highly reflective finish they are able to maximize projection. With the many combinations of tip opening and chamber these mouthpieces can produce whatever tone you are looking for from bright and edgy to smooth and dark. Includes cap and ligature. Mouthpieces are SMS (European Facing) unless otherwise specified.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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