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Sound Percussion Labs Total Drum Set Mute Prepack

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Product Name
Sound Percussion Labs Total Drum Set Mute Prepack
Product Description

Play your drum kit expressively without being loud with Sound Percussion s drum mute set. Fusion Mutes are specifically designed to deliver a great feel while keeping your practice time quieter. Most drummers have experienced the problem of noise complaints while practicing in apartments or late at night. Drums are loud and penetrating but Sound Percussion Mutes dampen the sound yet retain the feel of the drum itself. The mutes are constructed of an ultrathin material that closely approximates the feel and touch of a stick hitting a drumhead. Immediately drummers will notice a vast improvement over existing drum mutes and the makeshift use of towels tape and blankets. They are a breeze to get up and ready just place them on the drumheads and cymbals and play. The Sound Percussion Fusion Mute Prepack includes: a 22 kick drum mute 10 tom mute 12 tom mute 13 tom mute two 14 mutes (for floor tom and snare) 16 floor tom mute plus ride and a hi-hat cymbal mutes.

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Last updated
February 24, 2025

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