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Women s Hats of the 20th Century: For Designers and Collectors (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Women s Hats of the 20th Century: For Designers and Collectors (Hardcover)
Product Description

Hats represent an art form that is opening up new vistas for the vintage clothing collector. For the authors hats are a visual treat and they have crafted a book that is chuck-full of some of the sweetest you ll ever see. This carefully researched book profiles important American and European milliners and lists the most desirable designer and salon labels. It offers special sections with tips on dating valuation and storing and decoration. 500 vivid photos are beautifully styled and enhanced by lively and informative captions. Many period advertisements and illustrations from popular magazines depict the styles and moods of the times.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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