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Sexual Cultures: Queer Globalizations: Citizenship and the Afterlife of Colonialism (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Sexual Cultures: Queer Globalizations: Citizenship and the Afterlife of Colonialism (Hardcover)
Product Description

Scholars of postcolonial and LGBT studies examine the validity of the globalization of queer cultures Globalization has a taste for queer cultures. Whether in advertising film performance art the internet or in the political discourses of human rights in emerging democracies queerness sells and the transnational circulation of peoples identities and social movements that we call globalization can be liberating to the extent that it incorporates queer lives and cultures. From this perspective globalization is seen as allowing the emergence of queer identities and cultures on a global scale. The essays in Queer Globalizations bring together scholars of postcolonial and lesbian and gay studies in order to examine from multiple perspectives the narratives that have sought to define globalization. In examining the tales that have been spun about globalization these scholars have tried not only to assess the validity of the claims made for globalization they have also attempted to identify the tactics and rhetorical strategies through which these claims and through which global circulation are constructed and operate. Contributors include Joseba Gabilondo Gayatri Gopinath Janet Ann Jakobsen Miranda Joseph Katie King William Leap Lawrence LaFountain-Stokes Bill Maurer Cindy Patton Chela Sandoval Ann Pellegrini Silviano Santiago and Roberto Strongman.

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March 3, 2025

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