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Readings in Social & Political Theory: Liberalism and Its Critics (Paperback)

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Readings in Social & Political Theory: Liberalism and Its Critics (Paperback)
Product Description

A classic collection of writings on political philosophy from leading thinkers of the late 20th century Much contemporary political philosophy has been a debate between utilitarianism on the one hand and Kantian or rights-based ethics on the other. However in recent decades liberalism has faced a growing challenge from a different direction from a view that argues for a deeper understanding of citizenship and community than the liberal ethic allows. The writings collected in this volume present leading statements of rights-based liberalism and of the communitarian or civic republican alternatives to that position. With contributions from leading theorists such as Isaiah Berlin John Rawls Alasdair MacIntyre Liberalism and Its Critics shifts the focus from the familiar debate between utilitarians and Kantian liberals to consider a more powerful challenge to the rights-based ethic--a challenge indebted to Aristotle Hegel and the civic republican tradition.

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March 7, 2025

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