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Suzuki Overdrive Deluxe Bendable 10 Hole Diatonic Harmonica & Blues Harp - C

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Product Name
Suzuki Overdrive Deluxe Bendable 10 Hole Diatonic Harmonica & Blues Harp - C
Product Description

Years in the making the amazing Suzuki Overdrive Harmonica is so unique that a special patent protects its incredible design. The Suzuki Overdrive expands the range of a 10-hole diatonic harmonica to all the chromatic notes. Precisely placed holes in the harp s top and bottom cover plates yield thick beautiful overblow and overdraw notes without years of practice. Although harmonica players have been bending notes for more than a century it has only recently been discovered that when you draw bend it is the blow reed that makes the bent note. Conversely when you blow bend it is the opposite blow reed in the same air channel that creates the bent note. With a little practice the Overdrive harp will have you blowing and drawing notes with greater control and much bigger volume than any other harmonica you ve ever played. Suzuki includes a custom deluxe carrying case with the Overdrive Harmonica.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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