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Aguilar OBP-3TK Onboard Preamp

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Product Name
Aguilar OBP-3TK Onboard Preamp
Product Description

Product DescriptionThe OBP-3 is Aguilar s most flexible onboard preamp design providing +/-18dB of cut and boost at 40Hz +/16dB of cut and boost at either 400Hz or 800Hz and +/16dB of treble cut and boost at 6.5 kHz. The OBP-3 has multiple wiring options and can be wired with either a mini-toggle or internal dip-switch for midrange frequency selection.The OBP-3 is Aguilar s most flexible onboard preamp design providing +/-18dB of cut and boost at 40Hz +/16dB of cut and boost at either 400Hz or 800Hz and +/16dB of treble cut and boost at 6.5 kHz. The OBP-3 has multiple wiring options and can be wired with either a mini-toggle or internal dip-switch for midrange frequency selection. The OBP-3TK includes separate Treble Mid and Bass pots and a black mini-toggle switch for Midrange frequency selection. Bass control: plus/minus 18 dB @ 40 Hz. Mid control: plus/minus 16 dB @ 400Hz or 800 Hz. User selectable frequency center. Treble control: plus/minus 16 dB @ 6.5 KHz. Input impedance: 1 meg ohm Output impedance: 100 ohm 9 or 18 volts operation. Additional 6dB with 18 volts. Distortion: .019 into 10k ohm load Noise: -95 dBm unweighted. Battery life: 324 hours Wire lead length: 6.50 inches Low noise discrete FET input stage center detent 50 K linear pots with a dual concentric pot available. Dimensions: 0.98 W x 0.98 L x 0.59 D Warranty: Three year limited warranty.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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