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Auberge Of The Flowering Hearth (Paperback)

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Product Name
Auberge Of The Flowering Hearth (Paperback)
Product Description

\ This cookbook is a whole way of life. What care love and work have gone into it. I find it fascinating. I think people would just love it as it is not like anything else around.\ -Julia Child In the high Alpine valley of Le Grande Chartreuse Roy Andreis de Groot discovered by accident a charming and unpretentious little inn L Auberge de l Atre Fleuri. Impressed by the devotion of its owners to perpetuating the tradition of supreme country dining Mr. de Groot returned to the inn to record their recipes for natural country soups hearty winter stews roasted meats pates terrines and fruity and spirituous desserts--the best of French cooking. Superb food fine wine and the perfect blending of both into a series of menus for memorable lunches and dinners together with the unique French Alpine recipes that build each meal--these are the ingredients of this remarkable book now considered a classic.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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