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Baby Carrier Seat Extender Insert

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Product Name
Baby Carrier Seat Extender Insert
Product Description

The Seat Extender Insert can be used with the Britax BABY CARRIER once your child no longer requires use of the infant insert. The Seat Extender Insert is a removable support that provides a wider seating area by cradling your baby’s bottom and thighs which allows your child to wrap or splay their legs around your waist when facing inward through the entire use of the carrier. This supports a wide spread squatting position for your child and enhanced longer-wearing comfort for you through balanced weight distribution. Details: Wider seating area allows your growing child to sit in a natural position when facing inward Insert design allows your child to wrap their legs around your waist enhancing longer-wearing comfort for you through balanced weight distribution For use once infant insert is discontinued Machine washable for easy cleaning Â

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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