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Literacy Teaching: Interpreting Literature with Children (Paperback)

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Product Name
Literacy Teaching: Interpreting Literature with Children (Paperback)
Product Description

Clearly organized and beautifully written Interpreting Literature With Children is a remarkable book that stands on the edge of two textbook genres: the survey of literature text and the literary criticism text. Neither approach however says enough about how children respond to literature in everyday classroom situations. That is the mission of this book. It begins by providing a solid foundation in both approaches and then examines multiple ways of developing children s literary interpretation through talk through culture class and gender as well as through creative modes of expression including writing the visual arts and drama. The result is a balanced resource for teachers who want to deepen their understanding of literature and literary engagement. Because of its modest length and price and its ongoing focus on how to increase student engagement with literature either pre-service or practicing teachers can use this text in children s literature language arts or literacy and language courses.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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