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Full Tilt : Tale of an Incidental Life (Paperback)

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Product Name
Full Tilt : Tale of an Incidental Life (Paperback)
Product Description

Since the second grade I was always bouncing about curious as to what everyone else was doing. I ve been bouncing around ever since never really choosing a path but simply reacting to every experience that has been placed in my way. I think my first awareness that I was marginal and having difficulty paying attention and following the rules of order happened in the second grade. I was always bouncing about curious as to what everyone else was doing. One day I was pulled out of the class by the school counselor who asked me why it was that every time I was called upon by the teacher I would turn around in my desk and reply Who me? All the good intentions of those faithful teachers were for naught-my eyes generally glancing to the outside to see what was going on out there and not to what was being written on the chalkboard. Even my religious instructors throughout my life have had grave concerns-in a manner of speaking. I ve been bouncing around ever since never really choosing a path but simply reacting to every experience that has been placed in my way.

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January 26, 2025

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