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Justice League Adventures (Paperback): Justice League Adventures : Friends and Foes - Vol 02 (Series #02) (Paperback)

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Product Name
Justice League Adventures (Paperback): Justice League Adventures : Friends and Foes - Vol 02 (Series #02) (Paperback)
Product Description

Featuring the legendary characters from the popular Cartoon Network animated program. JUSTICE LEAGUE ADVENTURES VOL. 2: FRIENDS AND FOES is an exciting collection of engaging battles and catastrophic threats. In this fast-paced digest-sized books Superman. Batman Wonder Woman Green Lantern Hawkgirl the Martian Manhunter Aquaman and the Flash fight on land and in the sea as they recruit a young suburban girl as their newest member take on the villainy of the emotion-controlling Psycho-Pirate and search for a tractor who has infiltrated their own ranks.

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March 4, 2025

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