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Strongid C2X 50lb Bag

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Product Name
Strongid C2X 50lb Bag
Product Description

Strongid C 2X Equine Anthelmintic A medicated horse dewormer pellets for daily feeding to help prevent strongylus vulgaris larval infestation. Strongid C 2X helps break the cycle of parasite infections, particularly in high-risk ages or environments. It is safe for all horses including foals, mares, and stallions. Contains alfalfa and molasses to ensure it appeals easily to your horse's senses. Strongid C 2X is used to aid in the control of: large and small strongyles pinworms ascarids Best for: high risk ages - geriatric, foals and weanlings horses that have FEC levels over 200 eggs per gram live more than 2 horse per acre when rotating pastures is not possible frequent parasite exposure horses living in areas known for parasites barns for boarding or training horses frequently traveling or competing Feeding instructions: Give on a continuous basis as a top dress or mixed in horse's daily ration. Give 0.5 oz per 250 lb body weight (2 oz per 1,000 lb horse). To ensure each horse gets proper amount, feed them separately. 10 lb is equivalent to 80 doses for a 1000 horse, or 50 lb for 400 doses for a 1000 lb horse. Check label information for detailed feeding instructions

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Last updated
September 27, 2024

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