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Swingline SWI74357 LightTouch Heavy-Duty Punch 1 Each Black Gray

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Product Name
Swingline SWI74357 LightTouch Heavy-Duty Punch 1 Each Black Gray
Product Description

LightTouch Heavy-duty Punch combines revolutionary ease-of-use breakthrough design high-capacity productivity and jam-free performance. Three-hole punch requires 50 percent less punching effort than any punch in its class. Precision punch heads and unique lever handle are fused into one mechanism delivering complete pin control for guaranteed jam-free action. Semi-adjustable punch punches up to 40 sheets of 20 lb. paper. One-of-a-kind top-loading design delivers exceptional feeding consistency with no paper arching. Translucent chip tray allows easy maintenance and chad removal. Swingline LightTouch Heavy-Duty Punch

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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