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Davis Instruments - Davis Hand Bearing Compass - Illuminated

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Product Name
Davis Instruments - Davis Hand Bearing Compass - Illuminated
Product Description

Details : Hand Bearing Compasses Using these precision marine hand bearing compasses you can easily obtain quick magnetic bearings on shore or floating objects. Obtain a bearing simply by aligning front and rear sights on an object and reading off bearing. Uses include quick bearing or position set determination of angular gain or loss on the competition while racing checking distance offshore establishing lee-bow set while cruising or racing in currents drift vectoring and plotting a line of position. Compass features a liquid-damped compass card graduated in 5° segments and a large contoured handle. Lanyard and instructions included. The illuminated compass sports a solid-state LED with a positive push-on switch. Warranty : 1 Year Warranty

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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