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The Care and Keeping of Sensitive Skin (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Care and Keeping of Sensitive Skin (Paperback)
Product Description

At the age of sixteen Lissa Bell found she had Vitiligo which is hereditary in her family. At that time not much was known about Vitiligo and therefore nothing could be done for it other than bleaching the pigmented skin in order to create a more uniform appearance. Over time she researched and read the limited information she could find about the condition. Eventually she found that she could not use products that contained synthetics without suffering an adverse reaction. While in her early thirties the youngest of her two children developed eczema. She wanted as a mother to make it all better. So she began researching herbal skin care. She developed an herbal soap for her son. Amazed with the results Bell began experimenting with herbal products for her own skin. In 2009 she started Lissa s Naturals a line of skin care products for sensitive skin.

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March 4, 2025

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