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Janice VanCleave s Science Around the World: Activities on Biomes from Pole to Pole (Paperback)

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Janice VanCleave s Science Around the World: Activities on Biomes from Pole to Pole (Paperback)
Product Description

Fun facts and experiments about Earth s amazing and unique climaticregions! Janice VanCleave s Science Around the World presents interestingfacts and fun experiments that relate to the different geographicalregions of the world-also known as biomes. Each differentbiome-forest grassland desert and tundra-has its own uniqueplant life animal life and climate. The experiments activities and facts in this book help explain how the different biomes workand show the importance biomes play in keeping life on Earth sofascinatingly diverse. You ll learn how the tilt of Earth affects the weather in differentparts of the world; how and why some animals migrate; why leaveschange color; and how cacti survive so long without rainfall. Fromthe South American rainforests to the African savannas to theChinese Takla Makan Desert you ll find out how climate andgeography determine the way plants and animals look and behave-withsafe inexpensive experiments for the home and classroom!

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March 4, 2025

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