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Mouton Grammar Library [Mgl]: A Grammar of Coastal Marind (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Mouton Grammar Library [Mgl]: A Grammar of Coastal Marind (Hardcover)
Product Description

This grammar provides the first modern comprehensive description of Coastal Marind. It is a Papuan language spoken by the coastal-dwelling Marind-Anim formerly expansionistic head-hunters of the Southern New Guinea lowlands. Like the other languages of the poorly known Anim family Coastal Marind features astonishingly complex verb morphology and a range of unusual phenomena including indexing of up to four arguments on the verb verbal marking of focus (the Orientation system) engagement prefixes tracking the attention of the addressee and a system of four genders realised by intricate agreement patterns. The structure of the language is examined in a detailed but accessible way and its many complexities are brought to life by contextualised spontaneous data drawn from a rich audio-visual corpus.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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