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Handbook of Food Factory Design (Hardcover)

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Handbook of Food Factory Design (Hardcover)
Product Description

Food manufacturing has evolved over the centuries from kitchen industries to modern sophisticated production operations. A typical food factory includes the food processing and packaging lines the buildings and exterior landscaping and the utility-supply and waste-treatment facilities. As a single individual is unlikely to possess all the necessary skills required to facilitate the design the task will undoubtedly be undertaken by an interdisciplinary team employing a holistic approach based on a knowledge of the natural and biological sciences most engineering disciplines and relevant legislation. In addition every successful project requires a competent project manager to ensure that all tasks are completed on time and within budget. This Handbook attempts to compress comprehensive up-to-date coverage of these areas into a single volume. It is hoped that it will prove to be of value across the food-manufacturing community. The multi-disciplinary nature of the subject matter should facilitate more informed communication between individual specialists on the team. It should also provide useful background information on food factory design for a wider range of professionals with a more peripheral interest in the subject: for example process plant suppliers contractors HSE specialists retailers consultants and financial institutions. Finally it is hoped that it will also prove to be a valuable reference for students and instructors in the areas of food technology chemical engineering and mechanical engineering in particular.

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Last updated
December 10, 2024

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