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Flash s Song : How One Small Dog Turned into One Big Miracle (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Flash s Song : How One Small Dog Turned into One Big Miracle (Hardcover)
Product Description

What if most people have it wrong and miracles are not the exception but the norm? Flash s Song is the true account of how one person discovered the secret of miracles. It is a story of the power of laughter the power of family and ultimately the power of love to get us through life. Freelance writer Kay Pfaltz was living a quiet simple life with her three beloved dogs when suddenly her life turns upside down. Coming to terms with a failed relationship she must now take her ailing dachshund Flash in for back surgery. But when the vet tells Kay that Flash s problem is not a disc but in fact a tumor growing on his spine and Flash has at most three weeks to live Kay is devastated. From here begins a journey of self-discovery and recovery that will open Kay s heart to the greatest miracle of all. Flash s Song tells the story of amazing canine courage and remission against all odds. It is a ballad of love and redemption and a moving account of how Flash s three-week prognosis became five and a half miraculous months of learning loving and finally accepting. Written in luminous prose accompanied by poignant photos and filled with keen insight into love faith and the power of forgiveness Flash s Song is not only a heartwarming ode to a little dog but also a tribute to life and an invitation to cherish every moment of it.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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