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PSI Guides to Terrorists Insurgents and Armed Groups: The Lord s Resistance Army (Hardcover)

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Product Name
PSI Guides to Terrorists Insurgents and Armed Groups: The Lord s Resistance Army (Hardcover)
Product Description

A noted expert provides a detailed if chilling examination of one of the most brutal and long-lived insurgent groups in Africa: Joseph Kony s Lord s Resistance Army. Operating in four African nations the Lord s Resistance Army (LRA) routinely engages in human rights violations that include mutilation murder mass-scale abductions and sex trafficking--and it has done so with seeming impunity for more than 20 years. This timely book offers a concise expert analysis of Joseph Kony s terrorist organization covering its historical antecedents membership operations and ideology as well as the ways in which it fits into a broader pattern of insurgencies. To facilitate a full understanding of the threat posed by the LRA the author exposes the army s many atrocities among them forced recruitment of child soldiers. Central Africa s ethnic religious and political tensions are examined as is the corruption that feeds LRA operations. Finally regional security measures international responses and issues related to the LRA and the International Criminal Court are examined in full.

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March 6, 2025

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