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Contemporary Trends in Systems Development (Paperback)

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Product Name
Contemporary Trends in Systems Development (Paperback)
Product Description

This book is a result of ISD2000-The Ninth International Conference on Infor- mation Systems Development: Methods and Tools Theory and Practice held August 14-16 in Kristiansand Norway. The ISD conference has its roots in the first Polish- Scandinavian Seminar on Current Trends in Information Systems Development Method- ologies held in Gdansk Poland in 1988. This year as the conference carries into the new millennium this fine tradition it was fitting that it returned to Scandinavia. Velkommen tilbake! Next year ISD crosses the North Sea and in the traditions of the Vikings invades England. Like every ISD conference ISD2000 gave participants an opportunity to express ideas on the current state of the art in information systems development and to discuss and exchange views about new methods tools and applications. This is particularly important now since the field of ISD has seen rapid and often bewildering changes. To quote a Chinese proverb we are indeed cursed or blessed depending on how we choose to look at it to be living in interesting times .

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March 4, 2025

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