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Old and New Questions in Physics Cosmology Philosophy and Theoretical Biology: Essays in Honor of Wolfgang Yourgrau
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Simply to say that this is a collection of essays in honor of the late Wolfgang Yourgrau (1908-1979) is to explain at least for-the obviously many- insiders the unusually wide-ranging title of the present volume. In a Foreword to the Proceedings of the First International Colloquium (focusing on logic physical reality and history) held at the University of Denver in May of 1966 under their leadership Wolfgang Y ourgrau and Allen Breck wrote in an oblique reference to C. P. Snow: Indeed there are not two or three or four cultures: there is only one culture; our generation has lost its awareness of this . . . . Historians logicians physicists-all are banded in one common enterprise namely in their des ire to weave an enlightened fabric of human knowledge. Augment if you will the foregoing categories of scholars with biologists philos- ophers cosmologists and theologians-all of whom in addition to historians Wolf- gang Yourgrau by dint of his inextinguishable enthusiasm and charismatic qualities assembled in Denver for the Second and Third International Colloquia (in 1967 and 1974 respectively)-and a few other besides and one arrives at a statement of the credo wh ich Y ourgrau not only professed but consistently exemplified throughout his adult life.
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