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The Study of Time II (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Study of Time II (Paperback)
Product Description

The Second Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time was held at Hotel Mt. Fuji near Lake Yamanaka Japan on July I to 7 1973. The present volume is the proceedings at that Con- ference and constitutes the second volume in The Study of Time series. * At the closing session of our First Conference in Oberwolfach Germany in 1969 I was honored by being elected to the Presidency of the Society following Dr. J. G. Whitrow our fIrst President. My mandate was to organize a Second Conference consistent with the aim of the Society which is the holding of interdisciplinary conferences for the presentation and discussion of papers on various as- pects of time. Several participants expressed to me their wish to have a second conference held in Japan so as to emphasize the international and intercultural dedication of this Society. Dr. Fraser carefully evaluated this and many other suggestions weighed the possible conference sites and our chances of raising the necessary funds to convene a meeting at such sites and concurred with my conclusions that we should go ahead with the plans for a Japanese meeting. For the difficult and complicated task of raising funds and organizing a conference in Japan I had to select and rely heavily on somebody both capable and reliable and also living in Japan. Thus I asked the Reverend Michael Mutsuo Yanase S. J.

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