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Mapex Armory Series Exotic Studioease Fast Tom 6-Piece Drum Shell Pack - Redwood Burst

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Product Name
Mapex Armory Series Exotic Studioease Fast Tom 6-Piece Drum Shell Pack - Redwood Burst
Product Description

The Mapex Armory Series Exotic Studioease Fast Shell Pack includes a 22x18 bass drum 10x7 and 12x8 toms 14x12 and 16x14 floor toms 14x5.5 Tomahawk Snare and TH800 SONIClear Tom Holders. The new Armory Series finishes are the latest realization of the Mapex hybrid shell concept. Mapex has taken the popular Armory series and added beautiful veneers making this one of the most stunning looking and sounding drum kits at this price. As in the prior Armory Series finishes the shells are a fusion of birch and maple delivering the ultimate in tonal expression. The SONIClear bearing edges allow the drum head to sit flat bringing out the best response by optimizing the relationship between the head and shell.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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