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Perforated Paper 3 1/2 From Bottom Horizontal on White 24# Letter Size Copy Paper (Ream of 500)

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Product Name
Perforated Paper 3 1/2 From Bottom Horizontal on White 24# Letter Size Copy Paper (Ream of 500)
Product Description

Design and print custom tear-off forms with ease to save time and money! At The Supplies Shops we offer this pre-perforated paper to assist in creating tailored solutions for businesses and individuals. With a full horizontal perforation 3 1/2 up from the bottom this style is especially popular for promotional purposes and financial record keeping. The perforated paper which can be used with the perforation at either the top or bottom is inexpensive and great for use in retail for vouchers or coupons. In financial and accounting departments it’s a convenient design for billing and receipts. Our perforated 8.5 x 11 paper allows for smooth printing runs by ensuring that the perforation is exactly where you need it without causing any slowdowns or jams. This product also features Colorlok technology that enhances your print quality by producing more vivid and richer colors! 8 1/2 x 11 letter size Full horizontal perforation 3-1/2 from bottom Perforated into two parts to create one 8.5 x 7.5 sheet and one 8.5 x 3.5 coupon or receipt. 24# white paper stock 92 brightness Micro perfs are 50 TPI (teeth per inch) with a long grain direction Sold in single reams of 500 sheets Also available for bulk sale in cartons of 5 reams

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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