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Praying Hyde Apostle of Prayer: The Life Story of John Hyde (Paperback)

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Praying Hyde Apostle of Prayer: The Life Story of John Hyde (Paperback)
Product Description

John Hyde Apostle of Prayer John Hyde s prayer life ranks in a league with the prayer lives of Andrew Murray George Mueller Charles Finney Frank Bartleman Rees Howells Evan Roberts and other prayer warriors of church history. If you wish to learn to pray effectively you can have no better example than the life of John Hyde. One of the results of reading this book will be the enlistment of many and better intercessors. -- J. Pengwern Jones We take our stand near the prayer closet of John Hyde and are permitted to hear the sighing and the groaning and to see the tears coursing down his face to see his frame weakened by foodless days and sleepless nights shaken with sobs as he pleads O God give me souls or I die! --Francis A. McGaw

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March 4, 2025

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