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Pepper Spray With Belt Clip for Safety 16 ft Range 1 Count Pack Pepper Spray Keychain Black Self Defense By Guard Dog Security

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Product Name
Pepper Spray With Belt Clip for Safety 16 ft Range 1 Count Pack Pepper Spray Keychain Black Self Defense By Guard Dog Security
Product Description

Your safety and security are important to you. That s why you need the Guard Dog Security Quick Action Pepper Spray Keychain. This pepper spray is a powerful and effective self-defense tool that can help you deter potential attackers and escape dangerous situations. It has a maximum strength formula a long range protection a UV dye for identification and an easy to use and carry design. It is also and has a lifetime warranty. Features: 1- Maximum strength formula that contains 1.44 MC 2- Long range protection that can reach up to 16 feet 3- Easy to use and carry design that has a twist-top actuator a safety slide a keychain and a belt clip 4- Benefits: 1- Protect yourself from harm with a powerful and effective pepper spray 2- Create a safe distance between you and the attacker with a long range spray 3- Access your pepper spray quickly and easily with a convenient design 4- Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a Saftey Order your Guard Dog Security Quick Action Pepper Spray Keychain today and enjoy the confidence and security that comes with being prepared!

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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