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The Wyrmeweald Trilogy: Returner s Wealth (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Wyrmeweald Trilogy: Returner s Wealth (Paperback)
Product Description

From the creators of the internationally bestselling Edge Chronicles comes an epic story of dragons! The wyrmeweald is a hostile place an arid wasteland where man is both hunter and hunted and where the dragon-like wyrmes reign supreme. Seventeen-year-old Micah enters the wyrmeweald intent on stealing a wyrme egg to sell for a bounty. With the riches such an egg will bring—returner’s wealth—Micah can go home to a life of luxury and win the hand of the girl he loves. But the wyrmeweald is a treacherous place and Micah quickly finds himself in mortal danger. When a tracker named Eli rescues him Micah is forced to prove his worth and together he and Eli defend a rare wyrme hatchling from kith bandits intent on stealing and selling wyrme eggs. As Micah soon discovers this hatchling has a guardian already—the beautiful brave and dangerous Thrace. Micah and Thrace make the worst possible match: Micah is a would-be bandit and Thrace is a wyrme rider-assassin devoted protector of the wyrmeweald. Yet their chemistry is undeniable and soon Micah and Thrace join forces to protect the rare wyrme and battle the evil forces that encroach on their native habitat. But is there anything left in the devastated wyrmeweald to be saved?

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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