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Critical Theory and Contemporary Society: Critical Theory in the Twenty-First Century (Paperback)

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Product Name
Critical Theory and Contemporary Society: Critical Theory in the Twenty-First Century (Paperback)
Product Description

Critical Theory in the Twenty-First Century provides a thorough overview of critical theory looking at its history and shortfalls. First the book explains the developments from the Frankfurt School and from more recent schools of thought including Derrida Deleuze deconstruction and post-structuralism. Then it looks at how critical theory has not kept pace with the changes and conflicts brought on by the post-Cold War world and globalization and how its deficits can be addressed. For the author more than ever critical theory needs to synthesize theoretical perspective and empirical research. It also needs to be reconfigured in the light of the demands of new social movements post-colonialism and globalization. This volume is part of Critical Theory and Contemporary Society a series that uses critical theory to explore contemporary society as a complex phenomenon and includes works on democracy social movements and terrorism. A unique resource Critical Theory in the Twenty First Century will interest anyone researching issues in political theory international relations theory social theory and critical theory.

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March 4, 2025

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