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The New California Wine (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The New California Wine (Hardcover)
Product Description

A comprehensive guide to the must-know wines and producers of California s new generation and the story of the iconoclastic young winemakers who have changed the face of California viniculture in recent years. The New California Wine is the untold story of the California wine industry: the young innovative producers who are rewriting the rules of contemporary winemaking; their quest to express the uniqueness of California terroir; and the continuing battle to move the state away from the overly-technocratic reactionary practices of its recent past. Jon Bonné writes from the front lines of the California wine revolution where he has access to the stories philosophies and techniques of top producers. In this groundbreaking debut Bonné paints an unflinching portrait of the current state of the industry: its strengths and shortcomings its essential wines and those not worth pursuing. Lush full-color photographs as well as a region-by-region tour of some of California s lesser-known growing areas reveal the people and places behind the bottles. Finally a comprehensive purchasing reference lists all the must-know producers and their best wines making The New California Wine an essential resource for finding and buying the very best the state has to offer.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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