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Vessel (Paperback)

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Product Name
Vessel (Paperback)
Product Description

When the goddess Bayla fails to take over Liyana s body Liyana s people abandon her in the desert to find a more worthy vessel but she soon meets Korbyn who says the souls of seven deities have been stolen and he needs Liyana s help to find them. This atmospheric fantasy is from the gripping first line a fast-paced thought-provoking and stirring story of sacrifice (Kirkus Reviews starred review). Liyana has trained her entire life to be the vessel of a goddess. The goddess will inhabit Liyana s body and use magic to bring rain to the desert. But Liyana s goddess never comes. Abandoned by her angry tribe Liyana expects to die in the desert. Until a boy walks out of the dust in search of her. Korbyn is a god inside his vessel and a trickster god at that. He tells Liyana that five other gods are missing and they set off across the desert in search of the other vessels. For the desert tribes cannot survive without the magic of their gods. But the journey is dangerous even with a god s help. And not everyone is willing to believe the trickster god s tale. The closer she grows to Korbyn the less Liyana wants to disappear to make way for her goddess. But she has no choice: She must die for her tribe to live. Unless a trickster god can help her to trick fate--or a human girl can muster some magic of her own.

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Last updated
February 8, 2025

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