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Hats and Headwear around the World: A Cultural Encyclopedia (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Hats and Headwear around the World: A Cultural Encyclopedia (Hardcover)
Product Description

This concise encyclopedia examines headwear around the world from ancient times to the modern era comprising entries that address cultural significance religion historical events geography demographic and ethnic issues fashion and contemporary trends. Are feathers from endangered bird species still commonly used on hats? Why do many Muslim women cover their heads? How has advancing technology influenced modern headwear? This concise encyclopedia provides the answers to these questions and many more regarding headwear and human culture in its examination of headwear around the world. It examines topics from ancient times to the modern era providing not only detailed physical descriptions and historical facts but also information that addresses cultural significance religion historical events geography demographic and ethnic issues fashion and contemporary trends. The entries reveal fascinating insights into headwear as historical aesthetic fashion utilitarian mystical and symbolic apparel and supplies comprehensive analyses of hats across the globe unavailable in the existing literature.

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March 4, 2025

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