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Chi Kung for Prostate Health and Sexual Vigor : A Handbook of Simple Exercises and Techniques (Paperback)

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Product Name
Chi Kung for Prostate Health and Sexual Vigor : A Handbook of Simple Exercises and Techniques (Paperback)
Product Description

A guide to restoring men s sexual health and function to maintain a flourishing sex life well into old age - Includes fully illustrated instructions for exercises to clear energetic blockages of the male reproduction organs restore function reduce prostate enlargement and prevent prostate gland cancer - Presents a routine of exercises to be practiced daily as well as guidance on supporting your practice with nutritional and herbal supplements - Explains how these techniques can forestall the need for surgery in early stages of prostate disease Age need not be a death sentence for men s sexual health and vitality. Taoist Master Mantak Chia and William U. Wei explain how to use the energetic and physical practice of Chi Kung to not only maintain a flourishing sex life well into old age but also reduce prostate enlargement and prevent prostate gland cancer. With fully illustrated step-by-step instructions the authors provide exercises and techniques to open the energetic pathways connected to the male reproductive organs and clear the energy blockages that lead to sexual dysfunction and illness. They explain how to perform sexual energy and prostate gland massages and detail stretching exercises and the practice of chi weight lifting--attaching weights to the penis and scrotum to enhance sexual vigor. They explain that while these techniques are primarily preventive they can also act to regenerate and restore function forestalling the need for surgery in early stages of prostate disease. The authors present a routine of exercises to be practiced daily as well as guidance on supporting your practice with nutritional and herbal supplements.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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