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Mathematical Engineering: Hypergraph Theory: An Introduction (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Mathematical Engineering: Hypergraph Theory: An Introduction (Hardcover)
Product Description

This book provides an introduction to hypergraphs its aim being to overcome the lack of recent manuscripts on this theory. In the literature hypergraphs have many other names such as set systems and families of sets. This work presents the theory of hypergraphs in its most original aspects while also introducing and assessing the latest concepts on hypergraphs. The variety of topics their originality and novelty are intended to help readers better understand the hypergraphs in all their diversity in order to perceive their value and power as mathematical tools. This book will be a great asset to upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in computer science and mathematics. It has been the subject of an annual Master s course for many years making it also ideally suited to Master s students in computer science mathematics bioinformatics engineering chemistry and many other fields. It will also benefit scientists engineers and anyone else who wants to understand hypergraphs theory.

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March 4, 2025

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