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Pre-Owned ACT for Dummies (Paperback 9781118911563) by Lisa Zimmer Hatch Scott A Hatch

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Pre-Owned ACT for Dummies (Paperback 9781118911563) by Lisa Zimmer Hatch Scott A Hatch
Product Description

The fast and easy way to score higher on the ACT Does the thought of preparing for the ACT give you anxiety? Fear not This new edition of ACT For Dummies gives you a competitive edge by fully preparing you for the ACT exam with subject reviews practice opportunities three full-length practice tests and coverage of the optional writing test. Written in the accessible and friendly For Dummies tone this hands-on guide helps you assess where you need more study help gets you up-to-speed on the questions you can expect to encounter on the actual ACT exam and will have you practicing your way to test-taking perfection before exam day. The ACT is a standardized test used by college admissions boards to measure high school achievement. Designed to gauge a high school student s preparedness for college in the fields of English mathematics reading and science reasoning the ACT is a nationally recognized college entrance exam that is accepted by more than 90% of four-year colleges and universities in the United States. If you re a high school student preparing for this all-important exam ACT For Dummies 6th edition gives you everything you need to raise your chances of scoring higher. So what are you waiting for? Sharpen a pencil and get started Tips to maximize your score on the ACT Strategies to stay focused on test day and manage your time wisely To take your skills to the next level with practice problems and exercises. How you measure up with 3 full length practice tests Whether you re preparing for the ACT for the time or are retaking the exam to improve your score ACT For Dummies 6th edition gives you everything you need to score higher.

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March 4, 2025

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