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The Complete Diabetes Organizer: Your Guide to a Less Stressful and More Manageable Diabetes Life (Hardcover) by Professor Susan Weiner Leslie Josel

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The Complete Diabetes Organizer: Your Guide to a Less Stressful and More Manageable Diabetes Life (Hardcover) by Professor Susan Weiner Leslie Josel
Product Description

9781938170263. New condition. Hard cover. Language: English. Pages: 248. Paper over boards. 248 p. GOLD MEDAL WINNER FOR HEALTH AND WELLNESS IN THE 2014 LIVING NOW BOOK AWARDS Is your lack of organization impacting your ability to effectively manage your diabetes? Do you run out of supplies and forget endocrinologist appointments? Do you find snacks in your pantry that expired sometime before the insulin pump was invented? Do you struggle to keep track of health-care invoices and payments? Do you succeed at keeping an active health journal for a week or two and then neglect it for a year or two? It sounds like you could use The Complete Diabetes Organizer! Within the pages of this book diabetes educator Susan Weiner and organizing guru Leslie Josel provide you with dependable strategies and ideas designed to help streamline your diabetes care and simplify your life. From her distinguished career and experience in the fields of diabetes and dietetics Susan Weiner brings helpful tips and tricks that are guaranteed to ease daily mechanics promote improved nutrition and relieve stress caused by disorder and confusion. Certified professional organizer and ADHD Specialist Leslie Josel applies her expertise to the topic of diabetes with simple surefire techniques that will allow you to disentangle yourself from the clutches of chronic disorganization. The Complete Diabetes Organizer is your guidebook to maintaining your diabetes with less effort and more confidence allowing you to focus on enjoying a healthier stress-free life.

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March 4, 2025

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