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Open and Flexible Learning: Student Retention in Online Open and Distance Learning (Paperback)

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Product Name
Open and Flexible Learning: Student Retention in Online Open and Distance Learning (Paperback)
Product Description

Student retention has become a key issue for all further and higher education institutions and is a major concern among those involved in online learning courses where retention rates are often even poorer than those for traditional campus-based courses. There is increasing recognition that student retention is the responsibility of the actual institutions running the courses and that it is within their power to encourage sustained participation without compromising academic standards. In this book Ormond Simpson provides a clear accessible analysis of what works and at what cost. He outlines strategies for increasing retention providing useful case studies and examples to illustrate how these strategies can change institutional policy and practice. Areas covered include: * Who drops out and why * Integration * Reclamation * Retentioneering an institution * Recruitment and retention * Course design.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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