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Equivalence and Noninferiority Tests for Quality Manufacturing and Test Engineers (Hardcover)

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Equivalence and Noninferiority Tests for Quality Manufacturing and Test Engineers (Hardcover)
Product Description

In engineering and quality control various situations including process validation and design verification require equivalence and noninferiority tests. Equivalence and Noninferiority Tests for Quality Manufacturing and Test Engineers presents methods for using validation and verification test data to demonstrate equivalence and noninferiority in engineering and applied science. The book covers numerous tests drawn from the author s more than 30 years of work in a range of industrial settings. It provides computational formulas for the tests methods to determine or justify sample sizes and formulas to calculate power and operating characteristic curves. The methods are accessible using standard statistical software and do not require complicated programming. The book also includes computer code and screen shots for SAS R and JMP. This book provides you with a guide to performing validation and verification tests that demonstrate the adequacy of your process system or product. It will help you choose the best test for your application.

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March 4, 2025

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