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Dible Dough Sugar Cookie with Sprinkles Edible Cookie Dough Bar Egg-Free Snacks

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Product Name
Dible Dough Sugar Cookie with Sprinkles Edible Cookie Dough Bar Egg-Free Snacks
Product Description

Dible Dough’s Sugar Cookie with Sprinkles edible cookie dough is a convenient grab-and-go crave-worthy snack that tastes just like homemade cookie dough. This dough flavor is your classic sugar cookie with added all-natural sprinkles to bring a little extra something special. Made with recognizable ingredients like real butter and sugar. It s also Egg-Free and it contains no preservatives artificial colors sweeteners or flavors. Dible Dough was founded by a mom and wife who was tired of her family eating all the dough before she could bake the cookies. Jolene Conway started Dible Dough to create a new segment in the snacking category edible cookie dough. Dible Dough makes it easy for people to enjoy a usually forbidden treat as a delicious safe-to-eat and convenient snack without sacrificing taste quality or quantity. Dible Dough is the edible cookie dough snack that you eat like a candy bar.

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Last updated
February 9, 2025

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