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Uncanny X-Men - Volume 1: Revolution (Marvel Now) (Hardcover) by Brian Michael Bendis

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Product Name
Uncanny X-Men - Volume 1: Revolution (Marvel Now) (Hardcover) by Brian Michael Bendis
Product Description

In the wake of the Phoenix event exactly what are Cyclops and his team of outlaw X-Men: visionary revolutionaries or dangerous terrorists? Whatever the truth Cyclops Emma Frost Magneto and Magik are gathering new mutants and redefining the name Uncanny X-Men. But they face harsh challenges: Once again robotic Sentinels hunt the team and the mutants they protect - but who s doing the hunting? And there s a mole on Cyclops squad - who is it? A weakened Magneto must prove he s still the master of magnetism as Magik wonders why she s the only member of the Phoenix Five to emerge unscathed!

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Last updated
January 31, 2025

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