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TUTUnaumb 10pcs Body Care Patches To Discomfort Acupoint Care Patches Body Massage Health Care Patches Health Products Beauty & Makeup-Blue

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Product Name
TUTUnaumb 10pcs Body Care Patches To Discomfort Acupoint Care Patches Body Massage Health Care Patches Health Products Beauty & Makeup-Blue
Product Description

10pcs Body Care Patches To Discomfort Acupoint Care Patches Body Massage Health Care Patches characteristic: This is a breakthrough product that can specifically pain and discomfort to nerves. This patch is designed specifically for application to the skin, allowing its unique of natural ingredients to penetrate deeply and provide a soothing effect where needed. It can provide fast and effective pain relief. Product ingredients: Dendrobium , Achyranthes bidentata, Grape seed usage method: 1.) Apply to the affected area 2.) Allow to stand for at least 8 hours (recommended for use before bedtime) Product Description: Including: 10pcs of 1X body care patches

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Last updated
September 15, 2024

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