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Zadro 3.75 Dia. Compact Mirror 12X Travel magnifying Mirror 18 Strong Suction Cup Wall Mounted Makeup Mirror for Shower

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Product Name
Zadro 3.75 Dia. Compact Mirror 12X Travel magnifying Mirror 18 Strong Suction Cup Wall Mounted Makeup Mirror for Shower
Product Description

Experience the perfect reflection and precise accuracy you need for dazzling beauty with Zadro s E-Z Grip Spot Mirror! This robust lightweight design offers 12X magnification for detailed touch-ups and makeup application. The 18 secure suction cups allow you to easily mount it to any flat surface and adjust it to your ideal angle. Measuring 3.75-inch diameter and 0.5-inch depth this mirror fits perfectly in your purse pocket or carry-on for convenient touch-ups wherever you go. Available in blue pink and gray.

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Last updated
December 2, 2024

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